Polymer Plates or should I go offset
As many know my shop has been an uphill fight. Half the letterpress platesI get are made wrong. And the maker always says I made the artwork work.
So, I just get an AB Dick offset press to do jobs that the plate can’t get right for me?
Hey Aaron,
I’m an offset printer that’s about to take the plunge into the world of letterpress. I plan to use mostly polymer plates.
We process a lot of files for offset plating from and it seems as if 75% of these files have some type of error. That just the way it is and I feel that it’s our duty to work with the client to solve the problem.
That said, I would suggest that you find a plate vendor that is willing to work with you and you with them - even if the plate cost is more! And make sure your vendor is pre-flighting your flies. If he isn’t, find another vendor!
Good luck!