Die Maker
We recently purchased a windmill for die cutting and letterpress work.
I wanted to see if anyone here knows of a die manufacturer in the South East? I don’t want to limit myself to just the area, but we would prefer someone closer to us (NC).
Thanks so much!
I have worked with a couple of printers in the past 8 years, and they both have used Key Dies in Annville, PA. We have always had good results from their dies.
Key Dies
22 Landing Drive
Annville, PA 17003
[email protected]
I will second Key Dies. I order from them a few times a month at my day job. Great customer service.
Unicorn Steel Rule Die, Inc.
Out of Tampa, FL
(813) 884-3161
Tell ‘em Mike from L&M sent ya
I also would like to find someone close.
Does anyone have a supplier or know of
A die maker in the northeast that works with
The letterpress community?