Foil and letterpress image
We want to work with the new CTI Ruche duplex 37pt papers. With a windmill we want to foil one side and put a letterpress print image on the other. I am not sure if I should do the foil side first or the letterpress side first. We have always duplexed jobs like this in the past but that it is always fun to align after the fact., not to mention scary. Please oh smart letterpress gods teach this lowly scribe with your worldly advice. I go the Kona Pipeline in the fridge and 500 lbs of tortilla chips from Costco - I am ready to go. TEACH ME.
would prob foil first. you are going to want to trim sheets to exact same size first. i would leave oversize/extra on perimeter around for final trim.
duplexing after isn’t that bad if you align guide and grip on both sheets. but on a windmill you can’t switch side guides. so, my answer would be to “press trim” the sheets down to 1/2” around so both sides are exactly same size. then guide and grip wouldn’t matter.
ericm - thank you for the feedback. We could not decide if the act of foil would cause damage to the letterpress side, or the act letterpress would cause damage to the foil side. I have duplexed before with good results, but it is still a little time consuming. I actually screwed a plate on the end of my cutter table bed that made for a good true right angle to lay up against.