How do I remove this pin?
I’m currently disassembling a Golding Pearl No 11 to do a deep cleaning and rust removal. I was able to remove the flywheel and various other parts, but now I’m at a stand still as I’m not sure how to remove these pins. Can anyone tell me how to do it? Do I need a special tool?
in the first two pictures, it looks like there is a set screw that would be loosened with an allen wrench. Once loosened, you might spray some silicone pub on it, let it penetrate, then tap with a punch and hammer.
In the third picture, I can’t see one
That hole on the top of the link is an oil hole not a set screw. That pin should screw out using the slotted screw.
I can’t see a way the platen hinge pin comes out. I don’t understand why you would want to that press that far apart. Flush out the oil holes with WD-40 and put plenty of oil down the oil holes. No need to take it apart.
Thanks John. The slotted screw has been hard to turn, I’ll keep attacking it with WD. My thinking was pulling it apart so I could reach everything. It’s been difficult to reach to all the rust that deep into the press. But maybe I’ll just have to do my best and forget the rest.
check the side of this bolt without the slot. mine was hammered flat to secure the bolt. file the mushroom away. i could aslo remove the big gear so cleaning up and rust removal was easy
interesting, thanks for the info. How did you put ti back on after it was filed? did you have to mushroom it back again?
cleaned both threads with aceton and than loctite threadlocker.
how did you remove the big gear?