Letterpress class in South Florida
Hello everyone,
I live in South Florida and I have been trying to find a class or someone who can teach me the basics of letterpress printing. Any suggestions?
Thanks so much!
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Hello everyone,
I live in South Florida and I have been trying to find a class or someone who can teach me the basics of letterpress printing. Any suggestions?
Thanks so much!
I’ve been looking for the same in Central Florida. Sad to report there is nothing in this area.
Hope someone posts otherwise! I’d be interested!
Try here. I don’t know how far it is from you but worth a try.
You might check with University of Tampa Press. They have a complete letterpress lab with hand presses and lots of type, and knowledgeable teachers. There is a book arts program, which may or may not be open to non-UT students, but there is a substantial hand-on letterpress study program. Prof. Richard Mathews is in charge: [email protected].
Thank you so much! I will make sure to check those out.
You’re in luck!
Just got this from John at Convivio Bookworks :
I happen to have a letterpress workshop beginning this Wednesday evening, and it’ll meet each Wednesday evening in June there at JCBA from 6pm to 9pm. The class is called “Mutanabbi Street Starts Here” and participants will each create an edition of broadsides using woodtype and photopolymer on the Vandercook 4 press.
If you’re interested, email him at [email protected] for more info.
Sadly, I can’t take attend the class since it’s so far away but maybe you can!
Happy printing,
I live in South Tampa and am well versed in the letterpress field as well as small-medium format offset. Having worked in the field for 20+ years as well as owned a shop in Indiana. I would be happy to help you on your way. I can show you what you need to start printing as well as many tips. feel free to email me and we can go from there. lovinfla99 at msn dot com
I also live in South Florida and I am looking for a weekend letterpress class. Does anyone know of anything? I would be willing to travel within Florida. I would love to learn on a Heidelberg Windmill 10x15 and/or Chandler & Price 8x12. Thanks!
I am forwarding you some information about some classes in West Palm Beach.
Hello, I live in South Florida as well and I’m looking for classes. I know this post is old but if anybody has any info I would really appreciate it. Thanks
We run a small letterpress printshop in Miami Beach. We don’t offer workshops but if you want to sneak around you’re more than welcome to stop by. Send me a message if you still want to get in contact with us.
Hello, I live in South Florida (Fort Lauderdale) as well, wondering if anybody found any workshop or classes here? I got Heidelberg Windmill from ebay seller in Naples, he was advertising lessons for additional charge, eventually he only delivered machine and then disappear with money, whenever I called him he always had a “reasons” not to come.