We have purcahsed jackets from BarPlate, a diecutting equipment provider. I’m not certain what minimums they may have, but you can check. www.barplate.com/steel-diecutting-jackets.aspx
I believe NA Graphics also can get them for you. I believe they are a distributor for BarPlate. www.nagraph.com
Any sheet metal shop will carry plain sheet iron in stock. A suitable gauge would be from 10 to 22ga. Very often a shop will have cut-offs which will serve platen press purpose well; and the price is, in most cases, negligible. Do not, unless utilizing the entire platen surface for a job, obtain too large a piece; you’ll waste a goodly portion of the outside perimeter. And do not hold to the oft-stated opinion that only stainless steel will serve as cutting surface. Not true, and, apart from cost, is very hard on cutting rule, plus it mars easily. In die-cutting, here’s where your skill at ‘kiss’ impression will bear fruit. A ‘snick’ is far superior to a ‘crunch’; plus both die and plate will survive the run in much better condition. Also, whatever else you do - do not nick the die in attempting to prevent fall-out.
We have purcahsed jackets from BarPlate, a diecutting equipment provider. I’m not certain what minimums they may have, but you can check.
I believe NA Graphics also can get them for you. I believe they are a distributor for BarPlate.
I’ve had good results on my 12x18 with a sheet of 20 gauge stainless steel from my local sheet metal shop.
I have a Bar-Plate jacket for my Windmill, and it’s made of the same stuff.
We just tape it on, and it doesn’t go anywhere.
Any sheet metal shop will carry plain sheet iron in stock. A suitable gauge would be from 10 to 22ga. Very often a shop will have cut-offs which will serve platen press purpose well; and the price is, in most cases, negligible. Do not, unless utilizing the entire platen surface for a job, obtain too large a piece; you’ll waste a goodly portion of the outside perimeter. And do not hold to the oft-stated opinion that only stainless steel will serve as cutting surface. Not true, and, apart from cost, is very hard on cutting rule, plus it mars easily. In die-cutting, here’s where your skill at ‘kiss’ impression will bear fruit. A ‘snick’ is far superior to a ‘crunch’; plus both die and plate will survive the run in much better condition. Also, whatever else you do - do not nick the die in attempting to prevent fall-out.