Chase bed hits the roller hook on my Kelsey press
I just received a new bed for my Kelsey 5x8 press and it seems to just barely rub agains the roller hook when the press in engaged. Has anyone experienced this before? I’ve attached a couple of pics so you can see what it looks like. As you can see, as you press the handle down the roller hooks lift and rub against the right side of the bed. The left side has plenty of space and does not rub at all. Any suggestions?
The bed is removable just as the chase is. Is it locked up off center?
Daniel Morris
The Arm Letterpress
Brooklyn, NY
Maybe that’s it. However, it seems to fit right into place at the location it is in now. I will try to remove and put back on again.
Thanks for your response.
I don’t think it’s the chase. It looks like the backplate or the chase frame is out of alignment, which would be hard to believe.
I would suggest look at the roller carriage it could be out of alignment.
The press seems to be great condition and maybe when it was put back together the alignment of the Roller Carriage was off.
Inky Lips Press