Ramage 14 Card Press, Pictures or Specification request

I am looking for data on the Ramage 14 card press.
Pictures or Specification drawing would be helpful.
The press was in use in Hawaii in the 1850’s
I would like to know what it looked like and or how large of an area it could print.
All the best 2U

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Perhaps you’re referring to a Ramage printing, copying and seal press? Or another type of Ramage press, there are several. I seem to recall that there is a reproduction of a Ramage press in some museum in Hawaii.

John is correct. I can’t remember the name of the place that has the reproduction, but it is on the island of Maui, on the northwest side of the island. The place I am thinking of is just off Highway 30 on the way to Lahaina.

Yes the Ramage Press reproductions are located in the Printers museum at Lahaina Maui and there is another at the Mission Houses museum in Honolulu.

It has been proposed that a small card press was used to create the Hawaiian Missionary Postage stamps in 1851

I know Ruggles made one in Boston about this time and I need to double check my source but I thought it said that the Ramage 14 was also a small card press.

If you have any more thought I will check back in a few weeks, until then all the best 2U TonyK out.