APA Wayzgoose & Great Northern
The recent issue of the APA Journal has information on probably the greatest letterpress event this year…the APA Wayzgoose and the Midwest & Great Northern Printer’s Fair.
Included in the issue is a report from the 10th anniversary party last month at the Hamilton Wood Type and Printing Museum.
As this is a combined event, I was wondering if
you might spell out in simple terms which days/
events/etc. are open to non-APA-members and
which are not?
David M. MacMillan
The Wayzgoose portion of the event is Thursday, Friday and Saturday, culminating in a banquet dinner Saturday night. The ‘Great Northern” portion overlaps on Friday and Saturday. Non-APA members are welcome to participate in all Wayzgoose activities. The registration cost for non-members is $80 and includes snacks and beverages, a keepsake T-shirt, lunch on Saturday, a wine & cheese reception and a Banquet dinner. Your registration will include a name badge which entitles you to all of this. For those showing up only for the “Great Northern’ portion, there is simply an entrance fee of $5 and a different name badge will be used for that. We plan to have many workshops, demos, and seminars on Thursday and Friday, starting in the morning and going well into the evening both days.
We also welcome suggestions for what kind of workshops or hands-on activities people would like to participate in. We will definitely have a few pre-scheduled things on the agenda, but we ready welcome impromptu lessons if enough people are intertested in particular aspects of things. We have A LOT of toys to play with and learn about. The most appealing part of this gathering is the wealth of other letterpress people attending who will be willing to share their experience and expertise with those seeking information and technical know-how.
This could very well be the letterpress event of the year.
The motel rate at the Rodeway in is $59.00 + tax. Be sure to mention the Wayzgoose to get that rate. Our fees are also extremely reasonable and we want to attract the largest crowd ever and truly make this a wonderful educational opportunity and a fantastic venue to pick up more type and equipment.
Rick von Holdt, co-host
I plan on arriving on the 17th is there a way to pre-register if you are not a member?
YES!!!! Glad you asked.
For anyone interested in a lot more information (and a fantastic monthly letterpress journal), simply go to http://www.apajournal.net
This month’s journal has an opening page about the event with links to a lot of information, including a registration form that can be filled out and mailed to Jim Daggs.
I think that everyone will be pleased with a chance to get a sneak peek at our venue. Back issues of the journal can also be seen here and may provide hours of entertainment and education.
Rick von Holdt