Manuals and parts
I am working with a museum in West Palm Beach, Florida to restore an old “donated” letterpress print shop. I used to teach Printing and mainly letterpress as well as offset in the early ‘70’s so I have some knowledge in the field.
There is an INTERTYPE setting machine there but it needs a lot of work. It was in working order when it was donated and has a Phase Converter on it to allow the use of 220 single phase electricity.
I am in desperated need of what ever documentation(manuals-both operation and service/repair) if any of you out there know where I can obtain these either snail mail or on-line the museum (yesteryear Village) would be very greatful.
If any one is interested I can provide photographs of the equipment in the Print Shop. I have no problem doing the restoration and the Shop is moving into “new quarters” in the spring. We are working on getting volunteers to help with the project as well as people to operate the exhibit during school outings and the annual South Florida Fair at the end of JAnuary.
Thanks, Dan
I have an Intertype Parts and Accessories book and Intertype book of Engineering Bulletins supplementing the book of instruction and parts catalogue. I would like to get $40 for both + shipping.
Company check ok?
Where to send it?
any idea of shipping costs? on need for anything special in shipping…cheapest way is ok.