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reusing slugs in Ludlow 8 | 1 Dec | mindhue |
Multiple line slugs made by... 4 | 16 Jul | parallel_imp |
Nolan Remelter, Only two sides &... 3 | 12 Apr | PressRun |
Foundry type in Germany 3 | 20 Mar | Geoffrey |
Foundry type in Germany 1 | 19 Mar | Ed Vermue |
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Block of type found- what machine... 13 | 6 Mar | iggyks |
Magazines 5 | 28 Jan | JHallboston |
Text corrections which is easier /... 4 | 23 Jan 23 | thomas gravemaker |
Didot to American height 2 | 17 Nov 22 | The Arm NYC |
which Elrod? 8 | 10 Nov 22 | Justaprinter |
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Chessmen Font 4 | 2 Aug 22 | John Ruse |
"Frosty" Type on Monotype Super... 1 | 24 Jun 22 | Metaltype |
Linotype Machine to be scrapped 9 | 31 May 22 | Frank Underwood |
Purchasing Linecaster metal 3 | 7 Feb 22 | The Arm NYC |
Ludlow mats, Specifically Eusebius... 1 | 7 Feb 22 | Greg S |
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3000 lbs of Linecasting metal (Los... 4 | 2 Feb 22 | parallel_imp |
How to replace Ludlow belt 3 | 17 Nov 21 | jhenry |
Part for a Ludlow hot metal type... 8 | 28 Oct 21 | parallel_imp |
Linotype Elektron 31 | 22 Sep 21 | Beekeeper2 |
New Linotype Project 6 | 17 Feb 20 | dannyboy8600 |
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someone who still sets Linptype 4 | 31 Jan 20 | Mike H. |
Ludlow: slug stuck in matrices... 8 | 31 Dec 19 | The Bindery MKE |
Linotype 8•845? 4 | 11 Dec 19 | KittyLou99 |
Cleaning out Shop - Metals 21 | 17 Oct 19 | soslinotype |
Group Purchase for Magazine... 5 | 4 Sep 19 | Greg Timko |
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Cleaning Intertype mats and... 18 | 4 Sep 19 | Greg Timko |
paper casting 12 | 23 Jun 19 | Calvinc |
Wanted: a few Linotype slugs 6 | 5 Mar 19 | Tom Colson |
Belting 3 | 20 Jan 19 | ericm |
Looking for sorts: Medieval (Goudy)... 1 | 3 Nov 18 | BillWhitley |
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Identifying Lino matrices, monotype... 5 | 7 Oct 18 | parallel_imp |
Linotype/Intertype Mats, Molds... 2 | 1 Oct 18 | Marshall Henderson |
What kind of new heating elements... 8 | 30 Sep 18 | Greg Timko |
How much are Intertype and Linotype... 6 | 30 Sep 18 | Greg Timko |
Ludlow issue -- typemetal sprayed... 13 | 17 Sep 18 | daveseat |
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Ludlow Training / Chicago 2 | 16 Sep 18 | Theo Bell |
Foundry type in a Ludlow 8 | 28 Jul 18 | harrildplaten |
Anyone need a few Ludlows and a ton... 4 | 1 Mar 18 | nagraph |
The Re-melting pot 7 | 31 Dec 17 | mikefrommontana |
Intertype Magazine Rack 6 | 14 Dec 17 | Lammy |
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foil printing newbie 8 | 18 Nov 17 | harrildplaten |
metal dies for a kwikprint 86... 11 | 24 Oct 17 | ohsotoxic |
Monotype Gauge 6 | 22 Oct 17 | harrildplaten |
Linotype Parts 3 | 4 Jul 17 | jeffhowardmeade |
Hard type soft lead or hard lead 6 | 28 Apr 17 | harrildplaten |
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Monotype caster identification 16 | 26 Apr 17 | InkSprite |
Ludlow - problem ejecting slug... 21 | 18 Mar 17 | Mick on Monotype |
Complete shop 2 | 23 Feb 17 | highlands print... |
Ludlow Ruleform Matrices 9 | 16 Feb 17 | Elrodandy |
Cleaning kit for Ludlow L typograph 4 | 19 Dec 16 | keelan |