can anyone recognize this press?
Hello all,
I’m new to the Briar Press, this is my first post…. i guess there’ll be more to come.
I’m part of a small design-communication-educational studio in Barcelona, called Todojunto.
We used to work a lot with an amazing and kind printer, oneo of those neighborhood printers that seem to be desappearing all over the world, stomped by big printing companies with coffee-offering receptionists….
well.. to make the story short, our printer, Señor Valero, had to close his printshop, and he gave us his old (and for a long-time-unused manual lever press)… i want to clean it up. put some new rollers, and try to use it, while we also look for someone who is interested in buying it…
The press has no inscriptions on it, and we’d really love to know the story of this machine, and see if we can find the rollers and understand how it works… He said that it was calld “Boston” but i can’t seem to find any info on internet about a Boston machine that looks like this…so i’m attaching a couple of pictures to see if any of you know anything about this kind of presses….
as i said at the beggining this is my first post, i hope this amazing community can help us introduce ourselves in this magic world!
Thank you.



Could it be a Sigwalt Ideal # 4 or 5?
See press at this site:
Yours has an additional ink fountain, not used on many table-top presses I would guess. Maybe others who own a Sigwalt will add their opinion.
It’s definitely not a Sigwalt Ideal—the base is wrong. I have a Sigwalt and I have one similar to this. They have a lot in common but they are different machines.