I was recently given four cases of type. One I cannot identify. Photo of proof attached. The case has caps & figs only.
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Its called Onyx (in the UK at least) and it does have a lowercase.
It is indeed Onyx, designed by Gerry Powell for the American Type Founders Co. in 1937. It has a lowercase as well as a companion italic (designed by Sol Hess for Monotype in 1939). In Europe, Onyx was cast as Arsis by the Amsterdam Type Foundry.
Its called Onyx (in the UK at least) and it does have a lowercase.
It is indeed Onyx, designed by Gerry Powell for the American Type Founders Co. in 1937. It has a lowercase as well as a companion italic (designed by Sol Hess for Monotype in 1939). In Europe, Onyx was cast as Arsis by the Amsterdam Type Foundry.