Looking for Space for my press in Georgia

I am looking for a space to have my C&P press. I have been looking to put it in my basement but dont think it is the best. (may be moving in a year out of house, also it is not my house) Looking close to Suwanee, GA (30024) but really a 30min drive from there is fine. So looking in Atlanta area too. Didnt know if anyone has a space or knows of one. I really would love to have 24 hour access to the press. Willing to trade work for space. Also willing to pay but cant afford a lot. Can anyone help me?

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What size is your press?


Yes, probably a good idea to not put it in the basement if you won’t be there long and don’t own the place.

I’ve been saying for the past three weeks, since we moved our press into the basement, that whoever buys our house is getting a C&P 10x15 along with it.

I don’t know of any space locally, but I’ll keep my eyes open!

Nancy, It is a C&P 10x15 new style. Right now it is in South Carolina and I am looking to move it after Christmas. Do you have a space or know of one?

Mike, Yeah it is going to be a lot of work to get it in the basement… Let me know when you want to move lol I would love a house that came with a C&P press! Thanks for keeping your eyes open. I just want to start printing so bad, but need a place for the press to go!