Do people still make wood type?
I saw the post about CNCing wooden type, and it made me wonder… I have a nice set of wooden type that is missing one character. I’ve never been able to find that character, and wonder if there are folks still making wooden type the original way. I know it would likely be expensive for a one-off, but it would (wood?!!!) likely be worth it to me.
Check out
I wanted to respond to this when it was first posted, but it has taken me until now to clean up my shop and find this information.
Stan Harris and his son Mark have been cutting spectacular (a word I don’t often throw around) type fonts for a year or so now.
The fonts they offer are some highly ornamental 19th century jewels that printer’s crave. This is just about as good as it gets!!!!!!!
Anyone interested can contact Stan at [email protected]
Your pocketbooks will not be safe once you see their offerings.
I have one of Stan’s fonts and it is a treasure. Love at first sight.
We’ve also started cutting wood type at Lead Graffiti and are interested in helping people fill in missing or severely damaged letters. We haven’t done a lot of the individual letters at this point, but for those we have it is critical to have a very accurate drawing of one of the letters that is generally close with VERY exact measurements as to how close the various edges of the letter are to the edges of the type block.
And then somehow you need to get the image of the letter you want. The Art of Wood Type or Rob Roy Kelly’s book might have what you want. But you do need that image unless it is a letter you can essentially figure out from the other letters. Our first face we cut was Bradley and missing one letter is impossible to figure out from the other letters. You would have to find it somewhere in a book or someone else that might have it, though they could have it in a different size.