Hamilton Mystery Gothic

I know this is a Hamilton face, but I’ve never seen anything quite like it. Any ideas on what it’s called?

image: MysteryType2 1.jpeg

MysteryType2 1.jpeg

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Republic Gothic Series
No 773 Class N (solid)

Looks like it! Thank you.

Just to throw in some historical context.

The Republic Gothic Series was fist shown in Hamilton’s New Gothic Faces in Wood Type (c.1921–1927).

Republic Gothic Series—along with Poster Gothic Series and Liberty Gothic Series—included a range of widths in solid and outline to work as 2 color chromatics. These three gothic series types were the last original designs issued by Hamilton. 

The Republic Gothic Series included 12 styles.

No. 767  Republic Gothic XX Cond
No. 768  Republic Gothic XX Cond Outline
No. 769  Republic Gothic X Cond
No. 770  Republic Gothic X Cond Outline
No. 771  Republic Gothic Condensed
No. 772  Republic Gothic Condensed Outline
No. 773  Republic Gothic
No. 774  Republic Gothic Outline
No. 775  Republic Gothic Extended
No. 776  Republic Gothic Extended Outline
No. 777  Republic Gothic Extra Extended
No. 778  Republic Gothic Extra Extended Outline