Moving Press with form locked up…

We’re moving one of our proof presses tomorrow to enable poster printing at an independent market on Saturday.

The poster to be printed is currently locked up on the bed of the press. (no chase).

But to get the press to the market we need to dismantle it into 3 parts. Soooo….I have two choices:

1. Keep the form locked up and transport the press
2. Break the form up and transport on galleys

Either way there’s movement involved and the possibility of Mr Cockup making an appearance.

Anyone out there done anything something similar to this?

I guess it’s mostly common sense, and I don’t need to normally ask the internet such questions, but this time I thought I would. Thanks.

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All it going to take is one wrong move, and the poster will be on the floor and damaged.

You must determine how great the risk of pi-ing the form is when you make the move. Your safest move is to disassemble the form in sections, box them or put them in separate galleys, and refit to the bed when you get where you are going.

If you feel there is little risk, you might be able to use a removable tape over the top of the form (masking tape) and I would add a piece of corrugated cardboard over the top of the whole form as well, in case a tool or something drops on the form during the move.

John Henry

Thanks John, that’s how I was going to do it (card over top) if I was going go grab this beast by its horns..

But in the end I opted for the separate galley approach, as it felt safer and more sensible.

I should add the distance we are travelling takes 5 minutes on foot and considerably less in a car.

Are you moving a floor model or tabletop proof press?

Recently I did a workshop 3.5 hours away and used my table top proof press. The form for the poster was in a galley. Easier to move the form and the bed was galley high so it was very convenient.


Casey, it’s a free standing proof press - essentially a galley type, but with grippers/inking rollers on top of it’s bed.

Originally it would have come with it’s own removable galley plate. If only I had a galley that was 15” x 26”!