Typefaces with Anglo Saxon minuscule letterforms
I noticed a couple of “Saxon” typeface in an old Caslon type specimen that have Anglo-Saxon letterforms (a long “r” and a “d” with a short, slanted ascender). The typeface also has a few distinct symbols: a thorn (þ), yogh (ȝ), wynn (ƿ), Tyronian sign (⁊), and eth (ð).
I was wondering if any metal typeface I’m likely to find contains these symbols. Or if there are any that draw on the Anglo-Saxon minuscule script. I’d love to be able to use something like that for the occasional printing of Old English material.

"Pica Saxon" from Caslon specimen

"Long Primer Saxon" from Caslon specimen
Anglo-Saxon characters were available in several British Monotype offerings. I printed a book a long while back that required Anglo-Saxon characters. It was set in Baskerville with the type supplied by Michael Bixler.
M&H Type also has some Anglo-Saxon sorts, in just one face, English Old Style 2E, possibly just the 12 point. They were going to use them on a bilingual Beowulf that never happened.
Thank you, Gerald and parallel_imp. This is just what I was hoping for. I had looked through the M&H and Bixler catalogs and specimens and didn’t see any Anglo-Saxon characters. I hoped that someone on this forum had needed a the odd bit of Old English orthography at some point. I’m glad to know that I can come by sorts for these when a project requires.