How to find serial # on 12 x 18 C&P

Hi all. Love this site. I have a 12 x 18 C&P — I see all kinds of numbers, but none seem to be the serial number. Where would it be located?

And, if anyone is interested, I’ll be listing this press soon. It has the original motor and it works. I’ve been using a different motor to run it, but the original motor is there and it does work.

It’s neat. I’m down sizing my shop and need to sell it.

I’ll be posting pictures soon, so if you “are” interested, check back.
Thanks a heap.

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Serial number should be in the upper left corner of the bed (where you put the chase). It is often obscured with years of gunk, so you might have to clean a bit.

This press is VERY CLEAN as we’ve used it almost everyday.

I used it for numbering, perferring, scoring.

I made a LOT of money doing this for our local print shops. Most do not have a way to do it, or they don’t want to take the time it takes to do. I charge 15.00 for setup and 25.00 per 1,000 of anything that we do.

I’ve have owned this press for 22 years. I bought it when I first opened my printing company and it has been in use ever since. We keep it well oiled and cleaned, just because that’s how I keep my shop.

Any ideas on how much it might be worth??

I also will have about 12 or 15 (haven’t counted them) numbering machines, and furnitute to go with it.


Here is an image of the serial number location. Price: I paid $600 for this 12x18 Craftsman last year. It came with four rollers (in OK condition) and a thick layer of dust. The only problem is that the foot brake is broken and I haven’t had time to fabricate a new bracket for it.

image: Press-Serial.JPG


I found the serial numbr. Thanks for the help. I do have the brake and all is in order. I’m getting ready to post it soon.

Smaller presses often demand the higher prices from hobbyists, because they’re easier to transport and less intimidating to use. $400 - $600 is a good price range for this press, depending on location, condition, and your buyer’s wallet.