Corner Rounder


I Have my eye on a Lassco CR-50B but of course you can’t buy them in the UK.

Does anyone know who the cheapest in the US are for these? I know postage and possible VAT on import will be a bugger but I’m braced for it.


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The great ebay says… $199.00

Do you have a great urge to buy that model or has it been recommended ? As you appear UK try looking through a catalogue from Pressco i will verify as i may be thinking of wrong mag !

A corner rounder for sale on the Drukwerk in de Marge website. The owner is in Belgium. Check it out here:

If it might be a import tax advantage, you might check to see what Don Black has in stock in Toronto.

John Henry

The company are called presco , they have a hand tabletop round corner cutter , which if treated with its construction in mind will corner 35-50 250gsm cards at a time one corner at a time .it is priced at £110. ,quite basic but they work there are other varieties too .