Rollers for Sigwalt Ideal
Hello All,
I am looking at getting rollers for my Sigwalt Ideal, No. 3. I was recommended to Na Graphics, I have spoken with them and it isn’t a size/style they readily carry, so they need measurements and all that before we move forward, which is totally fine, I know sigwalts aren’t as popular as C&P and Kelsey.
I did see a set of new rollers for the sigwalt no. 3 from this guy on ebay
I’m a little weary about buying rollers off ebay, I just want to make sure I get a good quality, I’m looking for some more experienced opinions. I haven’t purchased rollers before so I don’t know what the best things to look for are.
Thanks so much! I really do appreciate any input.
Those are very good rollers, I wouldn’t hesitate to buy from him.
I’ve purchased rollers from Toddspresstime on ebay and they are perfect. When my rollers arrived the trucks were the wrong size for my press. He sent along two additional sets (at his expense) just to make sure we could get it right. He was extremely nice and went out of his way to make sure I was happy with my purchase.
Thank you both so much! Rollers are the only things holding me back from printing, so I can’t wait to move forward.
Thanks, It is very important to me that everyone is happy. Rollers need to fit like a good pair of shoes and with little documentation on them and there changes over there model run, I have had to buy every press I could get my hands on. It is not about money it is about the experience of letterpress. The smell of a new rubber roller getting its first coat of ink, The sound of metal trucks clicking and clacking up and down the rails and the look that a fine grain rubber roller in a antique letterpress can put on paper. I did start out trying to make a cheap roller and found out you do not make friends with cheap rollers. Todd