Custom work in the USA.
We often get asked by Americans if we can make their business, personal, wedding stationery but we won’t due to bad experiences with shipping (50% lost or damaged when sent on a signature required service).
We are always happy to recommend another UK printer if we’re busy or can’t meet requirements, but we haven’t a clue when it come to the yanks.
Can anyone post a few letterpress printers who undertake this kind of custom work, obviously the better and prettier the website the better.
Thanks for your help.
There are a ton of printers in the states. Letterpress seems to be alive in well on both a larger scale (Boxcar Press and Bella Figura) and a much smaller scale (think basements and garages).
If you’re looking to pass along a name of a custom printer in the states I would instead point the interested customer to this site and let them do a little browsing in the Yellow Pages to find a printer that would be a good fit.