Help Identify These Cuts/Decorative Devices
I’m trying to identify the origin (foundry) where these were originally made. They are all from a 1907-08 directory of Storyville directories of cat houses (houses of prostitution in the red light district somewhat sanctioned legally in New Orleans about a century ago—the movie “Pretty Baby” was based on the place and time). The directories, or “Blue Books” are in the collection of The Historic New Orleans Collection Williams Research Center.
I’ve located many of these in a Dover book, and 2 are here on the Briar Press website in the “Cuts & Caps” section.


A friend of mine, typographer Mark von Brunkhorst, identified these. They are the work of Will bradley, 1904, for ATF. They are in his 1912 ATF catalog and were done for this:
which I found online.
These are from 1912 ATF book of type specimens.
I have several of these cuts
Your first and last images are not by Bradley and were more likely drawn cuts (especially the last one with the “red light” connotation.
Dear Stress,
Thank you!
Dear Foolproof,
I agree and should have specified that in my query. Thanks!
Dear Foolproof, again,
I was wondering if anyone thought that the first image could be made from individual borders sold by foundries?
The first one pictured is similar to the Della Robbia ornaments offered by American Type Founders, but not exactly, and they couldn’t be assembled like what you are showing. It is obviously hand-drawn.
I agree with Paul and should have also mentioned that the item on the right in the second line is not by Bradley either. It most likely is part of a border.