Type ID
I have three fonts that I can not identify.
The first is a 60 Pt script.
The second is an 18 Pt type script. I thought it was minuet, which the McGraw book says is Piranesi, but it not a perfect match.
The third is a 42 Pt Italics
Any ideas?



The third one looks like Flash from Lanston
Commercial Script
Source: American Metal Typefaces of the Twentieth Century, by Mac McGrew. If you don’t have it already, get it. An invaluable resource. $65 on Amazon. Nine left. Visit link below and click on “Buy.”
Thanks for the ID’ing the type.
I have the McGrew book, but I am not too good at ID’ing type with it.
I have several more fonts that I need ID’ed. If you don’t mind, I will post some more.