darkroom camers

That is a very low price for the camera, considering what they cost new, a long time ago. Is there still available the materials which give an end-result of not being reversed?

Just a hint, we often copied illustrations on paper which had been printed both sides, therefore “strike-through” which can be partially overcome by putting a matt-black sheet face-up under the print being copied; try it.


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obviously, “dark-room cameras”.

from haul it away free to a nominal price

sometime the lens may have value

process cameras are now near on to worthless

man i loved working prepress offset
that is all gone now

We gave away our dark room camera years ago. I shot thousands of line shots & half tones on the camera.

Now we’re CTP. Darkroom has been converted to the pre-press area.

Keep looking. There are good free cameras out there.


I still operate a kodak/agfa process camera and tray develop.
I got it for free, also the imagesetter that I ran went to the dump. Also 1ks of PMT’s Line shots, doutones , and process work. If you have the skill set anything can be done. best james

james bourland

doutones or duotones?


alan nankivell technically “duo-Ba-tones”. I also do tri-tones
you are welcome to see these at my 12tons.com site. best james

I have a wonderful old Brown 14x20 if anyone is interested. It still works great and I have many old extras that I could send along with it. The vac frame end is built into a small darkroom but if you would like, I will remove and load onto your truck. I can send photos of the whole camera. Make me an offer.

james bourland:

Thanks for you info regard duotones (duo-Ba-tones); it was left to the camera man at the morning daily where I worked. I am ignorant, but make a guess about tri-tones. Maybe the camera-man saw the direction the newspaper industry was heading, left for other fields. Eventually the newspaper went full-colour with astonishingly-good results using offset, I would need a powerful magnifying glass to see the pixels of the screen used now. The journalists are furnished with a chart showing how to access almost any colour tint or shade, but not all of them understand the use of colour; still choose an unsuitable fount on a background which reduces contrast badly. Also, some pictures are published with very poor colour balance. One of the female compositors had an exceptional grasp of the proper use of colour and how to get there. She left to run a health drink shop (Lo Fat Cafe) [but no coffee?] Now works for a rival newspaper which is a weekly, which has some good ideas, but include some very poor failures at typography such as a very thin, light sans-serif used for some text stories. [The space between characters is too small.]

Rarely, I see duotone used in other forms of publicity, sometimes very effectively; it seems duotone is chosen to make the black-and-white photos less contrasting to full-colour.

A news photographer was introduced to photo-editing, decided to try his hand at that. He took a photo of one of our major thoroughfares (is that word spelt “thorughfare” anywhere?) intended to show the highway without overhead cables which actually were already underground) and edited-out all the poles for the light standards; well, it was an attempt, but he should have sought a journalist/compositor’s advice. It takes all kinds to make a world! [Over the year, we found answers to some problems by observing the results of wrong methods of producing type, or errors in how we tried to do them.


Alan, I was being silly about the duo-b-tones.
I’ve noticed several word spelling variations
colour/color, center/centre, also another one that drives me crazy evidently on your side of the pond you guys call guage pins/lays, as far as I know lays are just a bag of fried
potatos. best james

james bourland

fount and font.

In Australia, we had fried slices of potatoes caked “chips”, sometimes thick and soft, sometimes thin and crunchy. Many different forms; packaged as very thin discs, usually corrugated, called crisps.

Fries in McDonald’s Hamburgers, of which there are several sites in this town of 100,000 population.

Many other similarities and variations; “gas” (but not gasoline) very rarely used.after WW2, though some of my high school friends joked about gas-o-fat, which joke I did not understand.

‘Tis said that U.S. spelling is the British spelling from about the 1760s, War of Independence, while English spelling “evolved”. Canadians probably followed United Kingdom with some influence from French, possibly maybe from the language of the times of the incident which led to the writing off “The Star-spangled Banner”. (Fort Henry)
