Trying to find a polymer plate base for a 4 x 6 tabletop
Hey Everyone,
I’m trying to find somewhere I can purchase (or have made), a base for my Sigwalt 4x6 tabletop.
Apparently boxcar will no longer custom cut bases, and they have no scraps in stock that will fit. Being that it’s such a small size I’m having a really hard time finding anything else.
Problem #2, I need to figure something out soon as I need a base by the beginning of December.
I did contact Allen of Excelsior press in NJ (I’m locating in Philly) but knowing he is a busy man with a busy shop, I’m waiting to hear back.
Thanks is advance!
I am having the EXACT same issue, but for an even smaller 3x5 Kelsey. I have been doing a lot of research and still dont know the best route to take. I am interested to see what feedback you get!
John Barrett of LetterpressThings has been a great resource. He suggested getting magnesium plates, mounted on wood to type height and then doing a lock up as if you were working with type… A company called Owosso Graphics can make these plates.
I also reached out to Allen of Excelsior to talk about their Chase Base, but havent heard anything back yet.
All I can suggest is keep trying to get ahold of Alan. Continuing attempts will generally get results. I have one of his bases for my 8x12 C&P and it’s an excellent base.
Michael Hurley
Titivilus Press
Memphis, TN
Boxcar’s STANDARD height base is .857”. This is equal to 7/8 of an inch.
Why don’t you two team up, split a $96.00 12X12” precision ground aluminum tool plate from the link I suggested above, have it cut out to become the size you want at any machine shop, and then split the shipping to mail the difference of it to either of you?
***NOTE: This would only accommodate the thinner, 94FL or KF95 plates- not the 152 or whatever thicker options they provide…. If you want to use deep relief plates, you’ll have to have the machinist surface grind the base to .853”, flat and parallel- but for a 4x6 or 3x5 this should be preeeetttty easy to accomplish with a facing end mill and a bridgeport- this will allow you to use the thicker plates. Pretty simple stuff really.***
I took a shot and emailed boxcar anyway to ask if they would custom cut a larger down. And contrary to what I read on their site, they will still cut down bases. Big relief. For now, I am going to go with that for the sake of time, however the option that Alan offers seems like it would be really great to have.