Dating - not the press - but the Pressman !

I am single and I would not mind exploring my options with a single Lady involved with letterpress. None of the discussion categories appear suitable for this topic.
Any suggestions?


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Not likely helpful nor really on topic, but I could not resist the opportunity. Perhaps juvenile, but some may smile.

This ad

Seeking lady interested in letterpress. Age, race or religion not important. Must have good press. Send photo of press.

No printing events nearby where one might find printers of the opposite sex? Doesn’t anyone meet in person any more? :)

Hello Briarites:
I also am single and I would dearly love to explore my options with a single mature lady involved with letterpress. None of the discussion categories on Briar Press appear to be suitable for this topic.
I have a micrometer stick and I will travel on short notice. I will reply to all inquiries. Disceet phone chats also welcome.

Hello “inky”. I will get back to you when I will write my new on-line profile. I like your style !

Louie lol sorry couldn’t resist

Louie Dudas:
Confucius say: “Printers with micrometer stick get right down to the “point.”

Can of worms

First thing you must do is make a good impression!

First thing you must do is make a good impression!

First thing you must do is make a good impression!

Gives a whole new perspective to the old kiss/punch debate.

Isn’t half the fun in the chase?

Half the fun may be in the cnase,
but, there’s no fun being chaste!

OH Now THIS is funny !!!

please send Picas,

ericm: be careful. Did you miss the heated discussion about the “Pica Sticks” and “Pica Poles”?

Since mnmom64 resurrected this post from the past, perhaps I should be the one to declare it closed, not applicable any more. At least not to me.

Yes, it was funny ( still is ): live and learn!

It takes a great will power not to tell you the results, but I decided not to gossip.


It is all in the packaging!

Sorry, could not let this one slide …
Parental guidance required, contains letterpress and nudity.
Do not click on the link unless your parents are around you.

I was disappointed - the printer is far from naked: he’s wearing not only boots but a hat as well ! If there are socks inside those boots then I count FIVE garments which is hardly naked…