Cleaning a press
I am interested in opinions on the best and cheapest way to clean ink from a Kelsey press. I am aware of California wash and the citric wash from Boxcar Press. Is there any kind of cleaner that can be purchased or made in small quantities?
You might try gasoline. Just make sure you do it outdoors, away from sparks and flame.
I’ve used mineral spirits, in particular gamsol. I know you can get it in small quantities. If your mixing inks on a glass palette I’ve found cooking oil, like canola oil works really well and then just a little mineral spirits to wipe it up.
I’ve used kerosene or diesel fuel for years. Gasolene can be used when you need quick drying for a second color. If your concern is smell or fumes, torch fuel or citronella lantern fuel, both kerosene based work well, with a pleasant smell. DO NOT EVER USE OFFSET BLANKET OR ROLLER WASH AS THAT HAS A DEVASTATING EFFECT ON COMPOSITION ROLLERS. THEY WILL HARDEN TO THE POINT OF BEING USELESS.
I admit to having used gasoline as a solvent and cleaning agent in my youth. Fortunately, I survived. We also used benzine not knowing it was nasty stuff and could enter the body thru the skin.
I strongly advise against using gasoline. It is too dangerous. Also too expensive.
Are you talking about cleaning fresh ink from the press? If so, paint thinner, mineral spirits, kerosene all work well.
If you are trying to remove old dried ink that has been on the neglected press for years, the solvents listed above aren’t much good. You will need to mechanically scrape or wirebrush the stuff off or get after it with some paint remover. This is nasty stuff and some of it can damage your skin. Rubber gloves and eye protection required. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS. Then follow them. Small areas at a time.
There is no real cheap and easy way to clean old caked ink. You have to work at it. Good luck.