What to do with extra type cases?

Fellow Briar Pressers:

I recently bought what turned out to be some of the old Sheboygan (Wisconsin) Vocational School’s print shop. Along with the all the goodies, I have also received a number of empty type cases that do not have a cabinet to call home.

What are your suggestions for them? I would rather they go to another printer than to a crazy crafter and hung on a wall full of knick-knacks.


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I have a cabinet that is missing 10 drawers. What would you want for them.


From what I can tell, these are all Hamilton cases.

See descriptions and photos below:

The pile of cases - http://www.surfacezero.com/g503/data/4300/medium/pile2.jpg

1. California Job Case - The original - 17 available.


2. Hamilton Model 2775 - Quadruple - Inof on this case at: http://www.alembicpress.co.uk/Alembicprs/QUPBLNK.HTM - 1 available.


3. Open case - These cases are gutless. They may have been California Cases or some other types (as seen by cutouts in the frames) but they have been gutted. Some of these cases may have up to three dividers hot glued in them from front to back. 19 available.


4. 1/3 divided cases - I am unsure of the use for these. They all have had their handles removed. 6 available.


5. Hamilton Model 2715 wood type case - Each case has three movable horizontal dividers. 2 available.


Let me know what ones you are interested in and we can work out some pricing. Shipping will be from 54912.
