Monotype Gauge
We’re in the process of cataloguing new additions to St Bride Library and have come across the item shown below. It’s obviously a Monotype measuring gauge, but I’m not a Monotype expert, so don’t feel qualified to write a brief description for our online catalogue. I’d be grateful if a Monotype user can supply IN ONE SENTENCE (we have a restricted character field) what this object is used for. Bob
Basically Monotype Keyboard operators >copy fitting gauges< involving the *Set* sizes as well as the point sizes.!
Thank you Mick. Beautifully succinct! Bob
Not quite as succinct, from Rich Hopkins, founder of the American Typecasting Fellowship:
The Monotype system measured type by its “set width’, which was in points and quarter points. With (for example) a 6¼-set font, this gauge would provide a precise measuring tool for the font for calculating wraparounds to photos, allowance for drop-in initial letters, etc.
Edited version:
This gauge provides a precise measuring tool for any Monotype font for calculating wraparounds to photos, allowance for drop-in initial letters, etc.
Hello Bob,
Here’s the official long form.
Cheers, Dan T-J
With gauge in hand and the amazing book of tables the Blessed Corporation produced you could accurately cast off a picture caption (i.e. it’ll make two lines or go in one) or a three decker novel. Both were often used by the more competent estimating departments, before we took the job on. Printers Estimators, like Printers Order Clerks are now both lost and forgotten tribes. ”The Office” had some remarkable folk beavering away.