Showcard press restoration

I recently found this sweet press and have been working on restoring it as much as possible. When i first found it, the carriage was ceased and it was really rusty. I’ve got the carriage moving and oiled but I’m curious about removing the rust, especially along the rails that make contact with the rollers.
Does anyone have any advice? Thanks!

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It will be hard work, but model rail supply stores should have a rubber block that is impregnated with Graphite (if my memory serves me well)

Those things are mildly abrasive and tend to do a very good job of removing surface rust.

Great, I’ve heard a rubber block with graphite, and Evaporust, any other suggestions?
Thanks everyone,

I would wire brush rust off the rails above and below and rub the steel rollers with fine abrasive paper. I’m guessing you will have some deep pitting and a rust cure will deal with the rust in the dips. As you use the press the rust will come off the rollers

The bed is the more important area to get the rust off using fine abrasive paper.

You don’t have to get all the rust off everything just the bed, rails and steel rollers, the rest can be dealt with by brushing on a rust cure. The rust will be left a blackish colour.

Also important is to get oil in the bearings.

This may be of interest to you.

What do you mean by a “rust cure”?

I use Loctite SF7503 rust remedy made by Henkel. Provided thick rust is rubbed/brushed off and there is no oil/grease on the rust it works a treat.

Possibly think in terms of acquiring a reciprocating, profile sander.! Reciprocating NOT orbital to work in LINEAR mode.

The type that carries *VELCRO* attached abrasive sheets, including down to very, very, fine grit on the last knockings, coupled with liquid metal polish. i.e. 1,000 *Grit* sheets, almost back to, EX, factory finish.

Brings the surfaces down to the lowest common denominator, i.e. the top of the bearer rails, (1) the inner and outer sides of the bearer rails, (2) the bed proper right into the 90 degree inner corners, with the point of the profile pad,? (3)

LINEAR/RECIPROCATOR, tends to produce better accurate results, faster than by hand, ? - - By hand most abrasives tend to follow the indentations and high spots from rust and crap.
Reciprocator used in linear mode, gives excellent results, not quite as good as re-milling or re-grinding. For a few *cents* possibly experiment on the back of a rusty Galley.

We have done such, as above, in the past, usually on U.K. rusty *Farley* proof press,s. - - Good Luck. H.V.

Use naval jelly or some other chemical. But if you want to increase the odds that you will mar the finish or create an uneven surface, then by all means go at it with abrasives, wire brushes, or better yet power tools. Those three being the worst options in ascending order.