Dave Seat is featured in one of Frank Romano’s video interviews that appeared in the magazine’s Watch List. What They Think is the new name applied to the 100 year old Printing News magazine that goes out to the printing industry on a monthly basis. Dave’s picture has as a background a Linotype that is his main trade. Frank was once employed by Linotype but has long commented on the printing industry. The video can be seen at Printingnews.com/21083980
Dave is about to take off on his yearly stint of setting type and maintaining 8 Linotypes for a Christmas card company in New Jersey. They have a stash of spare Linotypes stored for future use.
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Dave Seat in What They Think
Dave Seat is featured in one of Frank Romano’s video interviews that appeared in the magazine’s Watch List. What They Think is the new name applied to the 100 year old Printing News magazine that goes out to the printing industry on a monthly basis. Dave’s picture has as a background a Linotype that is his main trade. Frank was once employed by Linotype but has long commented on the printing industry. The video can be seen at Printingnews.com/21083980
Dave is about to take off on his yearly stint of setting type and maintaining 8 Linotypes for a Christmas card company in New Jersey. They have a stash of spare Linotypes stored for future use.
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