Type identification

Hi everybody,
could anyone help identify these fonts please?
Thanks a lot in advance.


image: IMG-1420-min.JPG


image: IMG2315-min.jpg


image: IMG-1425-min.jpg


image: IMG-1422-min.JPG


image: IMG2324-min.jpg


image: IMG-2314-min.jpg


image: IMG-2328-min.jpg


image: IMG-1441-min.jpg


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Most of it seems to be German type… More chance when you ask/look on European sites. The barred 7 is often a giveaway. The small cases look German to me as well. So-called Steckschriftkasten. Check this out: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Steckschriftkasten.jpg
A proof of your type would be more useful. You might want and try to get a copy the ‘Encyclopedia of Typefaces’, preferable an earlier edition.

The picture 1420 shows a narrow version of Kabel (Cable in the USA), designed by Rudolf Koch.

The picture 1420 shows a narrow version of Kabel (Cable in the USA), designed by Rudolf Koch. Picture 2315 looks like the fette Kabel.

sorry, double posting

Dear Thomas,
thank you very much for your help. Most of the typefaces are from former print shops around Slovakia. Few are from Italy(picture 1441, 2314)
I have ordered one copy of Encyclopedia of Typefaces, can´t wait what we will find in more than 400 pages.
Once again thanks a lot for your time Thomas.

All the best from Slovakia
Martin and Kristina

The metal font appears to be Zapf’s Melior Semibold (halbfett). Fun to see accents with fonts – and thanks for the Steckschriftkasten reference from Thomas. Haven’t seen these since I worked as a hand comp in Switzerland in the 1960s. Kabel was issued in many versions by the American Lanston Monotype as the Sans Serif series.

Martin and Kristina, it’s easier to identify a typeface from a printed proof. Set a few characters: “Hamburgers’, print them and this will help you to find the correct name and foundry. I will send you some stuff separately by e-mail that might be of help with your search.

Martin and Kristina, it’s easier to identify a typeface from a printed proof. Set a few characters: “Hamburgers’, print them and this will help you to find the correct name and foundry. I will send you some stuff separately by e-mail that might be of help with your search.

Thank you Darrell and Thomas.
Yeah, next time I´ll definitely make some proofs.

Once again, thank you very much for your time and help.
All the best from Slovakia

Martin and Kristina

Kabel was copied in the United States by Lanston Monotype and renamed Sans Serif (really creative!!!!!!)


You could ask the folks at www.typografie.info
They are really helpful and good in identifying old typefaces.


Hi Carsten,

thank you very much for your tip. I´ll check that out.
