C&P Pilot - Beginner Paper & Ink Recommendations
Hi Briar Press,
I have almost completed restoration of an old-style C&P Pilot for my partner. I’m hoping to gift it to them at Christmas.
I’ve never personally printed before (they have!), but wanted to have some ink and paper just to try the press upon gifting - without over-investing in the “wrong” materials.
I know that Letterpressink has a starter rubber ink set. I’ve also looked at Mohawk paper - but am lost when it comes to a good “white” and appropriate weight.
Ideally, I think having some stock for a greeting card size would be ideal.
Any recommendations for a new-to-printing gifter?
Great gift. I should provide years of enjoyment, before she wants and needs a bigger press.
After 40 years of printing letterpress, I would recommend spending a few minutes checking out the Announcement Converters website. If you can get some 100# Mohwak Superfine Cover Eggshell finish, it would be great.
Letterpressink.com has small tubes, they can help you with a starter kit.
As a wonderful stocking stuffer I would recommend Jessica White’s book, Letterpress Now, available on Amazon.
good luck,
Where are you guys located?
Letterpresss Now.jpg
Said, “she”, sorry could be “he.
Hi Steve, we’re out in northern CA! Thanks for the tips!