3000 lbs of Linecasting metal (Los Angeles area)

I am working with Ludwig Mohr’s wife, Heidi, to sell the contents of his shop. We’ll be offering the equipment and materials over the next few months.

Today’s Offering: 3000 lbs of Linecaster metal (in 22 lb pigs) for sale. Please text me if you are interested. The pigs can be palleted upon request.

John Flynn

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I’m new to this site. Should this have been posted to the classifieds only? If so, I apologize.

John Flynn

To my ears, this sounds more like a public service announcement than a classified ad. Re-homing and distribution of a recently deceased printer’s materials and equipment should concern us all.

Since this is very specific about subject, 22# linecasting ingots, it could well go into the ad section. Previous posting did not have such detail.
Personally, I use a Ludlow and have Garamond and True Caslon, some Tempo, even some Stellar, Campanille and Cameo, would love Eusebius, but right now am too broke to even ask about cost of any. Interest and action are very different things.