Gordon Oldstyle? Need help to identify.
I recently purchased an OS Gordon treadle press, at first glance it appears to be an OS C&P, however the castings read “Oldstyle Gordon”. In comparison to my NS C&P, the throw off lever operates in the opposite direction. Can any one help place a manufacture date on this press or offer some general insight of this style?
Hi, I have no idea if this helps but I noticed this while on another website.
This is NOT a C&P (Chandler & Price) but is one of many “Gordon” style presses produced late in the 19th century by different manufacturers. You are in possession of a fairly rare Old Style Gordon press manufactured by Shniedewend & Lee in Chicago, IL. They were more well known for the Washington handpresses that they produced because more of them have survived than your foot-treadled clamshell.
Congratulations, this looks like a museum-quality piece. When the original patent ran out on the ‘Gordon’ style press, many manufactured jumped right on the bandwagon to produce their own versions.
My best guess is that this is a late 19th century press, because not many of Chandler & Price’s competitors were able to give them a good run for their money.
Hopefully, someone can give you a more definitive answer.
If you have access to Hal Sterne’s book on Printing Presses of the 19th Century, you can look it up. It is late 1800s. Many of the mid 1800 presses had no throw off lever and I believe it wasn’t used until 1870s or 1880s. I will look it up tonight. Beautiful machine. Congratulations.
The original improved Franklin Gordon came out with the impression cutoff in 1872 before that there was none . Then in 1874 the Shneidewend & Lee Co.of Chicago started making their version then others jumped in . I hope that give you some more useful info ED