In a new topic entitled An online dictionary?, bogtrykkeren suggested “…an idea to create an online (on briarpress?) dictionary relating to the terms of letterpress printing.”
In the old version there was a brief illustrated glossary. We intended to bring it into this current version and expand it. However, our “technical department,” Eric, is just starting a new job that has required him to relocate to another city. He is currently unable to spend a great deal of time on Briar Press.
With his limited time, I am delighted to see that he has responded to the question from bogtrykkeren and the need for the Glossary.
Right now the terms are in alphabetical form. We will be breaking them up into language groups, and adding the ability to upload photos.
We invite your participation in the new glossary and hope it will grow to be a useful addition to Briar Press.
Additional diagrams and information on specific presses can also be found under Press manuals: parts, care, and instruction.