All of the listings that were included in the last print edition of the International Register of Private Press Names were uploaded by Briar Press in order to convert to the online version. Each of these listings is followed by a link that says “Is this your press? Let us know.” If you are the owner of this press, click the link. You will receive instructions on how to verify your ownership. You will then be able to set your privacy preferences and edit the information in the listing.
Below each of the current and past listings is a gray box that says “Post a comment.”
If the owner of the press has passed away, comments such as the name of the prop and history of the press may be appropriate.
However, if the owner is still living, it would be helpful to inform him or her that the listing is now online, but please refrain from posting any names or personal information about the press. People who submit new press names or claim ownership of the names in our database, have the option of making their names and information public or private.
If you wish to ad information to your own listing, don’t add the information in the comment box. Log in and go to your account or press name, click ‘edit’, and make or change the information in the appropriate fields.