wondering how much this Poco Proof Press NO0. is worth
Hey there, i’ve found a poco proof press that looks like a No.0 for sale close to me in location. unfortunately the seller doesn’t seem to have any information about the press. i’ve been able to get a couple of pictures from the seller, i’m wondering if anyone can tell me from looking at the pictures if it looks like all the right pieces are there, and also what you think its worth.
thanks so much.


I don’t know what it’s really worth, but I bought one a few years ago for $20, and sold it for $500.
This is what I have been searching for for a reasonable price in the Ohio area. I have seen these from $150 to $1250, depending on condition and extras.
This one looks to be in good condition, except for a little rust on the ink plate. It still has the loop-handled rod for tightening the tympan roller — many are missing this important accessory. I have no idea of current market value — if you’re low but fair you may get it reasonably.
the poco no.2 I found on craigslist didn’t have a price on it either. just a ‘best offer’.
i’ve found it’s not much fun playing the ‘what do you want for it’ game.
thank you all for your comments, its all been really helpful. i guess my main concern is that i’ll buy the press and some major piece will be missing which will leave me with either a press that needs a really expensive custom part or just a broken press all together. is there anything that i should definitely look for when i go see it?
The Poco is a very nice simple proof press. If the tympan or drawsheet is fastened by use of a slotted bar with a ratchet, and the loop pin, visible in the photo, is there to adjust it, and there aren’t any apparent breaks in the frame casting, and the bed rolls smoothly back and forth, there isn’t much else that can be missing or wrong. Mine sat out in the rain for several years and after I oiled it and cleaned it and ran the oil in and cleaned it some more, it was perfectly functional for proofing. One person has made a tympan and frisket assembly for his Poco and can print registered multi-color jobs on it slowly. I think it’s a great press.
My poco was very clean when I got it but I could hardly turn the handle until I really greased up the gears. My point is, if you try to crank it in its present state it might not move well but it might just be from need of lubrication!
I’m looking at getting the same press, but the one I’m looking at has a broken foot. How hard is it to find someone to weld cast iron?
I had a cast iron part welded and it cost about 75 dollars. I think that was a bit steep but the first machine shop I went to was able to do it. I had the part, though. Do you have the foot?
I believe so, I’m taking a closer look at it tomorrow. I believe it’s a crack in the foot, so I would assume that everything is still attached.
Comming late to the game. But do you still have he press or access to it?
I’m interested
Does this press have a bed on it? I’m familiar with how the press should look and it is hard to tell with that sheet of paper(?) under the cylinder… But shouldn’t we be able to see the bed? Even just a little bit?
Does this press have a bed on it? I’m familiar with how the press should look and it is hard to tell with that sheet of paper(?) under the cylinder… But shouldn’t we be able to see the bed? Even just a little bit?
I just bought a Poco 0 without knowing how to use it and am concerned that I don’t have the rod mentioned by AdLibPress for tightening the tympan. Can I purchase/have a replacement made or is there another alternative?
It’s nothing special — a piece of steel wire slightly smaller than the holes in the left end of the tympan ratchet bar. You could probably use a steel nail about ten-penny size or maybe slightly smaller. The real piece has a loop handle and there is a hole in the frame to the right of the crank where the tool is stored. The one I have is about 4 inches long including the loop.
There’s not much to know about using a Poco either, except to be sure you have either a galley tray or a bed plate the same thickness if you’re printing/proofing type-high material. Don’t pack the cylinder to where you can print without those — you’ll probably get slurred printing with an overstuffed cylinder.