Various Types
More types I need help with and thank you.
Attached is a proof of 10 different typefaces. I think the following is the case as far as I can tell… where I have any idea at all.
10 - ?
9, 8, 7, 6, and 5 are either News Gothic or Trade Gothic but I cannot tell the difference between those two.
4 - ? Seems like this one should be easy but I cannot fin di anywhere
3 - Cliffod?
2 - ITC Century
1 - Basilla
Thank you all once again. Neil
ANd here is the image - sorry.
ATF’s Repro Script is #4.
Thanks Fritz. Let me make one correction. I believe #3 is Clifford.
My Guesses:
1-Century Expanded Mono 20A
3-Caslon, w/oldstyle figures, likely before the late 1890’s
5,6,7,8,9-Probably different parts of the News Gothic family as Trade Gothic is the linotype version.
10-Caslon 471
Thank you Stanislaus - My understanding is that monotype type is named such because each letter is of the same width. Is this correct and if so, is this News Gothic of the monotype category? Seems like this could formally be Monotype News Gothic Regular (as the basic type) with variations? Thanks - Neil
And, what is it about #10 (Casalon 471) that is not “old” as is #3. Or, is the word “old” used as a relative term to what’s current? Please excuse the very basic questions as I am just beginning this wonderful exploration.
And, what is it about #10 (Casalon 471) that is not “old” as is #3. Or, is the word “old” used as a relative term to what’s current? Please excuse the very basic questions as I am just beginning this wonderful exploration.
>My understanding is that monotype type is named such because each letter is of the same width.
No, the term you’re thinking of is ‘monospaced’. Monotype, a proper noun, is a machine made by a company of the same name for casting type. News Gothic is neither Monotype nor monospaced.
Caslon was originally cast by the Stephenson Blake foundry in England. The face was generally known as Old Style Roman and all foundries had their versions of it. There are so many versions that it is sometimes hard to identify precisely without examining the type for casting marks. Foundry types are cast from harder metals than Monotype, but Monotype is a bit easier to identify because foundries (like M&H in San Francisco) still exist with extensive catalogues. You will have much better luck identifying your type if you would proof all of the characters and figures in each font.