Moving a C&P 10x15 Buffalo NY
I am looking at moving (well picking up) a C&P 10x15 press. It has already been disassembled for easier moving. My question is… what is the best way to move it? I will have to rent a vehicle to transport it (it is coming to Ontario), what is the best type to rent? What is the best way to move it? Anyone in the area (Buffalo NY) that would be willing to help / lend me some of the muscle strength???
Any help or advice would be appreciated!!!!
If you’re a bit skilled at mechanical things you could move it in a cargo van. You don’t mention access — if it’s on grade on a paved surface, I’d suggest renting a floor crane at a tool rental place in Buffalo to load it, along with some sturdy nylon strapping you can probably find lots of along the highways. You can pick up any of the parts (the frame and the platen assembly will be pretty heavy) and wheel the crane right up to the truck with the part inside and set it down without needing much muscle. Unloading could be the reverse of loading, and the crane could also be used for assembly, though that’s not as difficult.
May or may not work for you, but we moved a Golding Jobber 6 out of a basement a few weekends ago with a motorized stair climbing hand truck. It navigated 6 uneven concrete steps and then a landing and two more steps to get up to grade.
It worked like a dream. I was shocked but it really did work as well as it does in the video.
Video link, please — this sounds like a must-have tool in the press-moving toolkit. Thanks for mentioning it — I’d never heard of such a thing!
Here here… more info, please!
Here is a video
We removed the fly wheel, ink disc, roller lyres and strapped it to the dolly. It took two healthy guys on the stairs. One to hold and operate the dolly and one to help balance it on the narrow stair tread. The dolly is rated for 1200 lbs but you could tell it was really working hard under load.. We figure about 600 to 700 lbs at that point.
We rented it from a moving co in NJ and it was around $60 for the weekend. Money well spent.
Thanks for all of the suggestions. The press is on ground level right near a door so I don’t think i will need a stair truck.
Now I have rented a pick-up truck for transport (with a payload of 2000lbs.) I am starting to have second thoughts… will that be enough weight or should I change it to something that carries a little more weight?
Also, what is the best way to get it into the truck? It has already been disassembled but getting the heaviest piece (600-800lbs) into the bed of the truck might be tricky.
Any suggestions?
I just moved a 10x15” with a trailer. We put it on the trailer with a forklift, and unloaded it using a high curb outside of the shop.
We backed the trailer up to the curb, and used a thick steel plate overtop of the trailer ramp, and just ramped it down using the pallet jack. The incline was just a few inches.
If you don’t have a forklift, you could use a come-along or two to winch it up onto the trailer. I used this method with a paper cutter and it was successful, though very dangerous. We built the cutter up onto a pallet and put the pallet jack under it to give it wheels. Then we attached the comealongs to the body of the cutter, and two each corner of the trailer. You need two people to pull the winches at the same time. If it’s light you might just need one.
It was a single-axle trailer and I neglected to realize it would lever up as the weight of the cutter hit the top of the ramp. It popped the trailer up quite forcefully, and I just about crapped my pants. Luckily no one got hurt, and the cutter didn’t fall over.
From now on I put jackstands under the trailer to stabilize it. For safety you should really be using a double-axle trailer.
I don’t think putting it in the bed of a pickup truck is a realistic idea. Maybe if you don’t have access to a trailer, a box truck with a lift gate would work. We used to use this method, but it was always scary when the thing reached the top of the lift gate. The steel ones are usually not very stable on rental trucks.
The exception is the heavy duty aluminum lift gates they use on Penske trucks. Those are great.
It’s important to realize just how badly 2000lbs can hurt you, so be careful!
One ton pickup. Maybe
The truck is probably rated for total load. That is the press and probably two of you in the cab. Are you lightweights? At about 1600-1800# for press plus motor plus two people, you may be close to a ton. Of course the rating has to be conservative and many people go over the limit. Consider that the springs and shocks and brakes are all designed for the one ton limit. Brakes are very important. You want the rig to stop with the heavy load.
Another very important consideration is the availability of places to tie the iron down. It is top heavy and will want to come forward at a quick stop. It will also want to go sideways when you do an emergency swerve. Put it forward against the cab and tie it firmly to the rear. Sides too.
I am opposed to lifting the press with a liftgate or forklift. If all goes well, it is OK. There are horror stories. Cast iron does not bounce. I use pipe rollers and go slowly and safely. Very good strong nylon rigger’s straps and a tow truck to lift the press on each end of the trip will work.
Plan it out well in advance. There can be only one person in charge. Too many strong bulls each acting independently without good supervision can be a receipe for disaster. Work smarter, not harder.
just this week
I watched your video already Jimmy… you made it look easy.
I was still a little unsure about just the pick up, so I rented a pick up with a utility trailer with ramp….. My husband is a little worried about driving a 6x12 trailer, but I was worried about him killing himself trying to get the press into the back of a truck! Tomorrow is the big day… i’ll let you know how it goes!
Make sure you use the biggest beefiest straps you can afford.
In my opinion, the thin ones are not enough.
I just bought some of this style, and they worked great:
Well the move was successful!!! With the help of Richard and Chris from WNY Book arts I got my press into the trailer. And with the help of some neighbors we got it into the garage!
Now I tried looking up the Serial number but it is not listed….
Any ideas why its not on the list?
My lists show that C76436 was made in 1952.
Hope this helps.