Beginner Workshop
Hello Everyone-
I’m trying to find a workshop for beginners in the NH, ME, VT, MA area. I have contacted a lot of different places that offer workshops and they have all said they are not scheduling anymore this year. I’m trying to get some experience before I purchase a letterpress and jump into business. Do you know of anywhere else I could look? Thank you for your help!
You may have to go to the “Big Apple”.
I believe John Barrett (LetterpressThings in Chicopee, MA) still has courses run by Kelly McMahon.
(See under “Workshops”).
If your willing to come to CT I can give you some one on one if my equipment is what your looking for, ie no Vandys here.
I’m looking to work with tabletop presses to start, preferably a C&P, as that is what is available to me at the time. Where in CT are you?
Have you inquired at the Museum of Printing in North Andover MA?
Bristol, 20 minutes west of Hartford. I’ve got a wonder little 6x10 Hohner B.
Are you interested in hand type or photopolymer?
There are loads of workshop opportunities in New England. I teach in Mass and VT (though am not offering courses any this fall).
I’d highly recommend Keith Cross’s workshops at Mass Art (, or taking a workshop at AS220 in Providence ( Both shops teach on Vandercooks.
If you’re wanting instruction on a tabletop press, why not contact printers in your area and ask if they teach (or can recommend someone who does)?
And Lammy’s question is an important one, as you’re going to find a lot more places that teach handset type than polymer.
Good luck to you.
Thank you all for your replies. I looked up Keith Cross’ workshop, that looks like a good class to take. I’m interested in learning both handset type and polymer. I believe I will mostly be using polymer though, so an emphasis on that.
As far as contacting printers in my area, there is only one and since I am looking to start my own business, I don’t want to upset my potential competition.