Can anyone recommend a mover?
I have a 10x15 C+P that I need moved from Connecticut to Northeast PA.
History is that she most likely came out of Hildreth Press in Bristol, my father saved her by moving to our summer place when we made the transition to offset back in the late 60s.
Her new home will be a museum of sorts. At 52, I’m probably one of the youngest guys around who still remember Miehle 6/0 letterpresses actually used in a magazine production environment. We had around 20 of the grand dames in the East Stroudsburg plant when the first of the Hantscho Mark 2’s came in.
And yes, I can still run her, likely will when I get her to her new home, printing up information sheets about the history and the museum for school tour groups.
After the move, I will likely need more info about resources for getting some Linotype work done, not sure I have the patience to pick several pages of foundry type out of a job case to complete the project.
In your area Greg Timko is well-versed in moving printing machinery. He’s based in Long Island so in between your two sites. He’s listed on Briar Press.
Diego at EZ-Rigging in NJ is an option as well. And Dave Seat I believe occasionally hauls and does Linotype work, but it depends on his schedule.
We’ve worked with Diego at EZ-Rigging before and would recommend him.