Challenge Proof Press

Hey guys! Does any one have info on this style of Challenge Proof Press? I can’t find any old manuals online but thought someone on here might have a similar press.

Right now I’m tasked with getting it in working condition for students, hopefully a new base is all I need. I’d love to have any info on it’s history though to share with the class.

image: IMAG0863.jpg


image: IMAG0862.jpg


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Yours looks like a slightly version of mine. The press is meant for use with galleys. The roller is adjustable (mount is on an eccentric, but I would not casually adjust it.

If the roller is in good shape and the bed is not chewed up or rusty, you should be good to go. If you are considering putting a bed plate in the press, then check at the ends of the bed for the pins to retain a lockup bar.

Actually your machine looks pretty good, and is one of the larger ones. When I use mine, I tend to put additional paper down (I use 20 lb bond for proofing) but if your using heavier cover weights, you may not need to. If you are running really heavy cover weights, you may need to adjust the pressure roller.

Have you been able to find any information on this press? I think the press I have is very similar and am having trouble getting the roller to attach to the bed. On one side there is a piece that slips in the hole on the side piece for the roller to fit into, but not on the other. I am wondering if I am missing a piece. Would you be able to help me by taking some photos? :)

A picture of your press/problems pieces may be far more explanatory. An assembled press doesn’t look much different from the above pictures. The only thing I can think of is that you may be missing the end bearing/bushing and lock nut from one of the side frames. However, difficult to know without a picture.

A picture of your press/problems pieces may be far more explanatory. An assembled press doesn’t look much different from the above pictures. The only thing I can think of is that you may be missing the end bearing/bushing and lock nut from one of the side frames. However, difficult to know without a picture.


I think that is exactly the problem – I only have a bearing (if that is what it is) on one side, not the other. Didn’t know if both sides were supposed to have one. I will post pictures tonight, but do you know if you can get one of those made? They must not be identical, because only one side of the roller fits within the one I have now.

Thanks so much for your help!