Rollers much higher than the Trucks
hello, I was about to move onto my Golding Official N0. 4 for my next job to speed things up a little form the adana but I am having a big problem. I have put the brand new rollers which I recieved with my press onto the springs and I am at a loss. The trucks that were attached to the rollers in a bag were much smaller than the actual roller and not marginally. Is this supposed to be so? Basically on testing with a polymer and a alu base plate the roller is just squashing into the plate and base to the extent that even by taping the rails with about 10 strips of masking tape is still not enough. Also, the springs arms are finding it difficult to pull back the roller tight to the rails (maybe this is another problem).
I would appreciate any advice as I have already set up the platen for the job with my pins etc. and don’t really want to have to go through it all on the Adana again.



Hi Nick,
No, it shouldn’t be like that. It is generally accepted today to make the rollers the same diameter as the trucks(Or vice versa) when using rubber as the roller material. I am not surprised you cannot add enough tape to overcome the problem. It is too much to overcome with tape. You either need to send your rollers out to have them ground down to match your existing trucks, or have new trucks made to match your rollers. Originally, Golding made the trucks 1-3/8”, and the composition rollers 1-1/2”. Today, you have a choice of having everything(truck/roller) 1-3/8” or 1-1/2” depending on your situation. I do not know what your rollers measure, but, the 1-1/2” roller and truck is the better solution as it can ink a larger form due to the larger circumference of the roller. If money is an issue, your likely cheapest route to fixing the issue is have your rollers ground to match your trucks.
Springs would not be able to pull the trucks to the rails with this oversized roller condition.
i like to tape the trucks, use an electrical tape, this should bring the rollers away from the base.
thanks for your help John & dickg, I will go for the cheaper option for now and see if I can get it sorted using a few rolls of electrical tape. The trucks are measuring 39 mm and the rollers are measuring 43 mm so both are well above 1 3/8” (35mm) norm.
By the way John, what kind of person would I go to to get rollers ground down evenly?
By the way John, what kind of person would I go to to get rollers ground down evenly?
I don’t know how much room you have in your chase, but if could try to use some roller bearers it may help.
why don’t you send the rollers and trucks to the company you got the rollers from? Otherwise check NA graphics, Ramco Roller, there are several, just check the listing on here. Good luck and happy printing.
^Girl with kluge:
“I have put the brand new rollers WHICH I RECEIVED WITH MY PRESS onto the springs and I am at a loss.”
I would suggest first measuring the height of the roller rails to see if they are type high. Then if not tape them to type high, and tape the roller trucks (vinyl electricians tape) to the same diameter as the rollers or very slightly less (one or two thicknesses of tape). One roll of tape should be enough to do it all and get you printing with the PP.
From the measurements you’ve have given the rollers are 1/8” larger. It sure looks to be greater than that, but, maybe the pictures are deceiving. While I respect everyones opinion, it sure looks to me like there is too much to make up for with just tape. My belief is that when tape is added in the amounts needed to compensate to this degree, it would compress in spots due to the spring tension from the roller hooks. And that it would do this no matter where you put the tape- rails or trucks. My belief is that tape is fine to make small adjustments, but, if things are that far off the workman like approach is to put things to rights first. This is just my opinion. Roller recovering companies such as Ramco would charge minimally to grind them down to match the trucks from my experience.
I meant to add the following but forgot. Another reason to consider having your rollers ground to fit your trucks in your case is that Golding designed this press for 1-1/2” rollers. Yours are larger than original spec. I assume they do not rub each other when installed, but, another area that they can hit is at the bottom of their travel. The bottom roller comes very close to the frame of the press even when everything is in spec. I have restored many an Official that had a large build up of ink from hitting in this area. Its not something you want to happen from my perspective.
hi john, thanks again. I actually used a roll of tape and got the rollers and trucks to the same height. The problem I then came across was that the rollers were rubbing against each other and so when I turned the roller hooks to face in different directions everything worked smoothly and i got a great print without any other modifications or indeed make-ready, unlike my adana which I had to keep playing with during my prints. I would love to get the machine working as intended but here in germany it is very difficult to find anyone to do any of these jobs or at least who are familiar with the machines. Sending to the US is just too expensive as I even have to pay around 60$ postage and then 30$ tax on having 10 sheets of A4 polymer sent from boxcar.
I will see how far I get now with the tape and reversed rollers, but I am still buzzing since my last print job of 200 business cards which was a breeze and the quality of print was just beyond my expectations. Hopefully it holds for the time being.
Thanks for help
I found a supplier of a similar plate to the Boxcar KF152 polymer-plate in the Netherlands by the way, but minimum order is 5 x boxes (40 pieces per box) at 11€ per sheet!!!
The only thing to watch now is that the tape on the roller trucks doesn’t flatten if they stay on the press with the pressure of the springs pulling them toward the rails. My platen press doesn’t have a lot of pressure in the springs, so I don’t worry about that much, but it might be something you should watch. It will show as too much roller pressure each time the roller rotates to that position. Maybe thinning the ink at that postion on your plate or image.
thanks, i will keep an eye out for that.