Monotype Giant Caster literature

The Monotype Supercaster (a product of The Monotype Corp. Ltd, the English Monotype company) came up in another thread recently. I thought it might be of interest to have a little more information on The Monotype Giant Caster (a product of the Lanston Monotype Machine Company, Philadelphia), which filled much the same market niche in the US. By chance I happened to have a 12 page sales brochure for it in the scanning queue, so I shifted it to the front of the queue. See:

(and go down to Literature and then Sales Literature).

David M.

image: Lanston Monotype Giant Caster

Lanston Monotype Giant Caster

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I am looking for a Monotype Material Caster with all the molds.
I know that is a bit much to ask. Someone has to have one.

Try Don Black in Toronto, Canada. If he cannot locate one - they don’t exist. :o)

Theo -

Still looking for a Monotype Material Caster? I have one that I’d part with. I have a set of molds, but have not located them yet - will keep looking if interested.
Northwestern Pennsylvania.
