Pins for Tympan Bale

My C&P 10 x 15 requires two pins to hold each bale to the platen. I can;t find a sub at the hardware store. Does anyone know of two from a no longer functioning press or where I might be able to get such? Thanks.

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Alternatively, you could measure the holes and fashion alternatives out of a metal dowel pin that was close enough in size to press-fit and rivet into place. If you need them turned down to size, I might could help you with that to a point depending on your location and how much of a PITA it would be for both of us as I have access to a lathe now and am always looking for reasons to cut something on it.

What you really want are the originals to surface here, but there’s a solution if you can’t acquire them.

You could also look in the nails at the hardware store for several different ones that are a range of sizes close to the diameter of the holes. Box nails or sinkers are a different diameter typically than finish nails of the same nominal size. You’ll want to clip off the pointed end and file the shank smooth to eliminate the distortion of cutting the end off, then try them in the holes. You could also measure the holes carefully and see if a roll pin of the same or slightly larger diameter could be used. Because they’re split and hollow the roll pins will squeeze down to a slightly smaller diameter and lock into the holes. Another possibility is to get a bottom tap of the next size up from the hole diameter and tap the holes for machine screw threads and use short round-head machine screws. You might have to drill out the holes in the bales to accommodate the screws, though.


I think you want dome head rivets- they are available from McMaster Carr. Do you still have an old one you could measure? They are a force fit so it would be better to measure an original than the ID of the hole.


I have used Clevis pins purchased at Grainger (800) 472-4643. Catalog number and size is below. You’d want to double check your size. My press is an 8 x 12 Challenge Gordon. But these work fine

Clevis Pin, Zinc, 0.187x1 1/4 L, Pk25 Item: #2MUC7

Cost was #10.82 for a package of 25. You may be able to find these at a good hardware store.


So much help! Let me explore and thanks so much. Neil

Our 10 x 15 had the pins in it but they were loose and would sometimes fall out. We tapped the hole and put in a hex pin bolt. That has now been working perfectly for the past 5 or 6 years.

OK - went to two hardware stores and at the second, found 3/16 x 1.25 Tessert (sp?) rivets which had a bit of resistance but tapped in nicely. Thanks once again for everyone’s help. Neil