My baby made it home!

I’m just expressing my pure joy about saving a Westman and Baker Platen Press (10x15) from a old dreary basement this weekend. With the help of 7 dear friends, she has made it safely to my studio and I could not be happier.
With some TLC I know she will be back in working order soon.
I know many of you will understand my joy.

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Congratulations! It’s a great feeling to have accomplished a move like that. Best wishes for a long and happy relationship.




That wouldn’t be the press that was available in or near London, Ontario, would it?

Yuppers!!! And she is beautiful! Pictures soon to follow… I have not got it put back together again.

Congratulations! I saw some pictures of it maybe 6 months ago. Tried to get Westfield Heritage Village interested in it (near Cambridge, Ontario, where I volunteer), but wasn’t successful. It would have been a nice addition to the Village because it was made in Canada.

I am about to move to a house located between Scotland and Norwich, Ontario. I would be interested to know where you are, if you care to share your location (even a general location).

I’m so glad that you saved the press, and wish you all the best in printing on it.