Info & replacement parts for Star Kimble motor

This is the motor that came with my 8x12 C&P Oldstyle. I haven’t been able to find a lot of info online for it and was wondering if anyone knew where to get replacement parts. It is set up with direct friction contact to the fly wheel but I see photos online of similar motors by they are run with a belt. So not sure if this is the proper set up. Not sure what this material is but it’s old, rotten and crumbly.

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Here are the pics:

image: image.jpg


image: image.jpg


we have a local motor re-builder here that is very good with the old stuff. if you can send dimensions of the drive pulley i will ask.

Replace the Barrel Pulley, put a V belt on and place the Motor in correct Position.

If you look at the Barrel Pulley you have there, you can see that it is burned out, that is why it crumples. Somebody Mc Givered (Hacked) this, but it’s not the way to do it. Put way to much stress on the Motor.

Correction, if you run a V belt, run a V Pulley, with a Barrel Pulley you can use a Flat Belt.

This system of friction drive was an option offered by Kimble for their Press-O-matic units. The pulleys appear to be discs of leather compressed by steel discs. On the new style C&P presses, there was an optional milled fly wheel if it was to be friction driven. The image is from the installation instructions published by Kimble.


image: FrictionDrive.jpg


as i said, if you want to repair this,,,,,,,