Query about a Model table top press on UK eBay
I have a query about a Model table top press on eBay at the moment. It has the cutouts in the main frame which make me think it is a French version and it has the word SERVICE on both sides of the handle which I have never seen on a Model before.
Can any of our European colleagues identify maker/country of origin?



I also saw this. I have limited experience of Model presses, really only of my own No.3 - but a couple of other features of the press on ebay (both visible in the 2nd pic above) intrigued me:
What is the purpose of the flat square attachment behind the inking disk?
The counterweights have bolts on top: does this allow them to be unfastened?
What size press is this: it looks to be possibly equivalent to a no.3?
All for general interest really, I’m not ‘in the market’ for another press!
far as I have seen the French has all the cut out design like that.
always my press of choice all sizes.